With all the online booking engines out there, why should you use a travel agent? Can’t you just do it yourself? Yes, you can. But here are three reasons why you may want to reconsider.
Travel agents can help you out when your travel plans go awry.
I booked an elderly couple an anniversary trip to Branson, MO. When they went to pick up their car, their credit card had expired a few day earlier. They did have a debit card, but the rental car company would only accept credit cards. They called me in a panic.
As their travel agent, I was able to call the car rental company and talk to the local manager. I was able to verify that I knew my clients and vouch for their trustworthiness. The manager was able to secure a car rental with just a debit card. My customers had a fantastic trip and even brought me back a gift as a thank you. (totally unnecessary, but appreciated).
Travel agents can save you time and money!
I can’t tell you how many times I have saved my clients money. Travel agents often find unpublished fluke fares that are time sensitive. When the fares are found, we call out best clients. I once found a $200 round-trip airfare from Denver to Honolulu. The fare was only up for about 2 hours, but I booked 30+ airline tickets during that time. In fact, my family and I took advantage of the fare too. Then in turn, these customers had me book the rest of their trip and they have remained loyal customers.
We also have access to proven tricks and tips for finding the best prices and saving you time. Some times the best prices on the big booking sites, may look like a fabulous, exotic room, but when you arrive you may find it truly is exotic (like a roach infested dive).
Travel Agents have expertise!
We have experience and can recommend options you may have not considered before that may take your trips from great to fabulous! You don’t want to be stuck in a scary neighborhood or the small ship cabin, when an upgrade was just a little bit more money, but totally worth it.
Let me prove to you that you should use a travel agent! Call or email me today.
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